
Protecting you from e-commerce risks is our passion

Services for E-commerce

E-commerce is One of the Sectors with the Highest Security Risks but Also One of the Most Mature in Terms of Security and Cybersecurity

The companies that provide electronic commerce have been, since their beginnings, designed and created for the Internet, to be able to make products and services available to customers through the Internet. On the other hand, new technologies and socioeconomic changes made more and more companies that did not have e-commerce incorporate this new way of selling to their customers.

As a result of these new incorporations and of the more mature companies in the e-commerce sector, the threats to which these companies are exposed by the simple fact of doing e-commerce online, either on their own or from a supplier, are born.

As a company specialized in cybersecurity and certified in security standards such as PCI DSS and ISO 27001, A2SECURE has extensive knowledge of e-commerce threats and has the capabilities and resources to ensure your e-commerce business is not affected by these threats thanks to its multidisciplinary team in security. From a perspective of preventing, detecting and providing responses, we focus our efforts on the continuity of these e-commerce businesses without failures and security incidents that may affect the business’ operations. 

Services for E-commerce


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