The Security Operations Center allows you to increase your threat detection and containment capabilities.

Solves adaptation obstacles to create a SOC

Organizations that currently have cybersecurity functions, by 2025 will try and fail to create an effective internal SOC, due to resource constraints such as lack of budget, expertise and personnel. Gartner

Your company needs a SOC, But Why?

The SOC achieves results that reduce the costs of breaches and future incidents.

Security Operations Center

Increase your security maturity and capability.

A2-SOC provides an incident search, detection and response service by observing or monitoring events in the transient environment.

The protocol to follow starts with an Alert Log, Customer Notification, Notification Confirmation and Incident Management.

How does SOC improve your security?

We provide guidance, support, expertise and capabilities for the smooth running of your security operations center.

What level of service do you need?

SOC Capabilities

From core to advanced capabilities

Core CyberSOC Capabilities

Organizations setting up a SOC for the first time often rely on different external vendors to get them started, with the goal of internalizing some activities over time.

CyberSOC advanced capabilities

Organizations that are maturing their SOC seek to internalize advanced capabilities that require a specific context, while outsourcing routine activities.

Want to know more?

Download our product sheet here.

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You need a SOC, make the right decision

All organizations need visibility into activities and assets within IT and business environments, which requires 24/7 monitoring of exposures and threats that require a SOC. We want to help and guide you so you can increase your cybersecurity.

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